Wikipedia defines “backlink” as a link from some other website (the referrer) to that web resource (the referent). These are essential to spread out throughout your website, including webpage content, blog posts, and any backend articles.
Backlinks drive search engine optimization and give a lot of power to your website, both organically and non-organically. Google picks up on these and sees it as an indicator that the site is legitimate and active, so it is worth promoting to the top of their search results.
We are all familiar with them, too. These are the blue hyperlinked words that help by bringing us to another page on the site or another site entirely that likely further explain what we are reading.
Not All Backlinks are Equal
There are many different kinds of backlinks. And search engines like the Google algorithm give them different weighted values when deciding which ones to prioritize. Every backlink helps, and every page needs some, but if you can get those that are seen as more “legitimate,” then Google will treat your site right.
The three main types of hyperlinks that hold more weight than any others are Edu backlinks, gov backlinks, and wiki backlinks. They are all relatively self-explanatory. For example, you can probably tell that a wiki backlink comes from a wiki page like Wikipedia. Additionally, Edu backlinks link from collegiate sites and .gov links come from governmental webpages.
These websites are seen as more official. They are not moderated by just anybody. Therefore, the Google algorithm will give their backlinks more weight than any others.
Internal and External Backlinks
Another thing to remember is to always have both internal and external backlinks in your webpages, articles, and blog posts. Having both help tell the Google algorithm that your site is healthy and helpful and therefore, should be in front of the eyes of potential customers.
An internal backlink is a hyperlink that directs the customer to another page on your site. We have all seen these, and when they are used well, they are always welcome. The way to use these is to link back to a service or complex topic when it naturally comes up in your article or post. These assist users on your website to more efficiently navigate the site and find the information that they need. Google sees the internal links on your site and interprets this as an interconnected one. It will promote it further up in search results.
At the same time, there are external links. This category includes the types of hyperlinks we previously mentioned, edu and wiki backlinks. However, external links can link anywhere. It can help your clients to link places elsewhere than your site or wikis. For example, you could link to more information on the service you offer, lending more legitimacy to it, making them feel more comfortable working with or buying from you.
Sometimes, competitors will even form backlinks to one another. Two competing locksmiths could include links to one another’s site in an agreement to boost one another’s web traffic. It is all up to the discretion of the company owner. But once they understand the advantage of a similar site linking to them, they will seek them out.
Contact ASAP Marketing
The web developers and copywriters at ASAP Marketing have been working with backlinks for years now. They have the experience and know-how to boost the web traffic on your business’ website. If you are already a client of ours and you want to know more about backlinks, feel free to call and ask us about what we do with them on your site. And if you are ready to take advantage of this service and leg-up in digital marketing, then contact us by calling (832) 737-2752 or send an email to [email protected].