Using video marketing is the best way to get your message across to your customers. It is the sure-fire way that they will actually click and hear your company’s story. Here, we can make sure your video conveys what you need with high-quality editing.
Video marketing is the use of the audio-visual medium to spread awareness of your company, drive engagement, and make sales. It is a massive digital marketing sector, as probably the most engaging form of content out there. It is now widespread and a must-have for any business’ marketing strategy.
The Benefits of Using Video
We live in a digital world. But even more than that, we live in a world that increasingly conveys information in new ways. Less and fewer people get their content through reading nowadays. Some might say people’s attention spans are shortening. Others will say that these other forms of communication are just more efficient. Either way, people prefer watching a video over reading content or articles.
Regardless of the reasoning, you will get more engagement on your website if your customers can click a play button on the home page. Having a video on your site helps consumers trust your company and see it as more professional. It also shows that your company is a part of the modern age. Consumers, too, are on some level aware that traditional marketing is dwindling. Videos, on the other hand, are seeing more usefulness and prevalence than ever.
We also see videos as an excellent way to form a personal connection with your potential customers. They allow you the possibility of putting your face on the screen. And hearing a voice in the audio marketing of your video always makes people feel more comfortable. Even seeing your logo move on-screen forms more of a connection than reading a block of still text.
Social Media Marketing Campaign
One of the huge advantages of a video marketing campaign is its versatility. These videos can easily be shared with your company’s various social media accounts. Anyone following you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or elsewhere can see a short video advertising your services.
The meaningful benefit to this method is that so few people click on articles and links that lead them away from their social media. Instead, they only look at the title. But when it comes to videos, they can play and watch them on their Facebook or Twitter Home page.
Tips for Successful Video Marketing
There are several practices we employ to ensure a successful video marketing campaign.
To start out, we keep all our videos short. While some will go more in-depth, most marketing videos will be not much longer than ten seconds. It will be the best 10 seconds a video can be, but we still keep it short. If people are scrolling and see that the video is long, they will immediately close out of it. However, if it is short, they are willing to stay long enough to hear it out. We pack in as much information as possible in that short video.
Contact ASAP Marketing
It is quite understandable that trying out video marketing would be daunting to many people. Some would consider it a new step in digital marketing. Plus, creating the content for such requires a special skill set. But the benefits of having an ad for your business that is so engaging and shareable cannot be understated. You can take advantage of the draw of a video and its presence on social media by outsourcing its creation to professionals.
To get started on a video marketing strategy, contact us right away. To get in touch, either call (832) 737-2752 or send an email to [email protected] for more information. Our content experts and web developers promise to run a successful video marketing campaign for your business.