The Importance of Google My Business

The Importance of Google My Business

Google My Business (GMB) is a great way to start ranking higher in local searches because it improves the user experience and shows Google you’re optimizing your online presence. Unfortunately, 56% of local businesses had not claimed their GMB in 2016. So many...
Here Is How to Start a Blog

Here Is How to Start a Blog

You may be wondering how to start a blog. Whether you are a single person who wants to do it for fun or run a business with multiple locations, learning how to start a blog doesn’t take a lot. This guide will walk you through starting a blog and what details go...
What is Responsive Web Design?

What is Responsive Web Design?

When researching website development, you may have seen the term responsive web design. Responsive web design is a term often used by web developers because it is very important in today’s world. Google also considers website responsiveness as an important...